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Frequently Asked Questions


 01  What is the Easiest Way to Order in the Natural Products     Industry?


OrderDog has partnered with hundreds of Natural Products Industry Suppliers since our beginnings in 2001. We make your ordering easy by connecting you as a Retailer to all your favorite Suppliers.


Our “Plug and Play” systems come fully loaded with product information from all our many Participating Suppliers.




 02  How does OrderDog work?


OrderDog partners with your favorite Suppliers so their catalog data is continuously updated and always ready to order. As an OrderDog Retail partner, you are connected to all of your Suppliers. You can create and then send orders electronically. From there, you watch as we track the orders from beginning to end.




 03  Can I order in-aisle from all my Suppliers at one time?


Using our OrderDog Mobile handheld scanner, ordering is a SNAP! Simply scan and order from all your suppliers at one time, OrderDog will do the sorting for you. No need to focus on just one brand reducing ordering time by up to 70%.




 04  What else does OrderDog do?


OrderDog provides retail stores with solutions to:


  • Electronic Ordering

  • Inventory Management

  • Point-of-Sale and Customer Tracking


Our “Plug and Play” systems come fully loaded with product information from all our many Participating Suppliers. We manage the catalog data, so you don’t have to!




 05  How can OrderDog help me with Inventory and Sales?


Our Point-of-Sale allows you to completely secure your sales transactions with easy-to-use interface. Customer sales history and reporting on sales trends, item updates, complete sales data, purchasing data, and much more!




 06  Can OrderDog print shelf tags?


Yes! OrderDog has several styles and sizes available. You can print your tags with everyday prices, for your sales or even barcodes only formats. We even have the new Smart Shelf Tags™ that are augmented with ELi QR Codes™.




 07  Can OrderDog help make accepting credit cards easier?


Yes! OrderDog has several integrations with merchant processors on our Point-of-Sale allowing you to easily accept credit, debit and EBT cards. If you don't know who you would like to use, we recommend Precision Payments



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